Wednesday 14 May 2014

Vegetarian Documentary: The Official Title

The working title of the documentary film throughout has been “Green Beans and Everything in Between”. However, after looking after all the footage, we were unsure if this title still fitted in with what would appear onscreen.


We came up with a couple of other possible ideas for titles:

Suitable for Vegetarians

A Vegeducation

Vegetarian Options Available

After a brief discussion with our tutor about it, we have been convinced to keep to title as it is, as our tutor feels it sums up the film and that the quirkiness of the title reflects the quirkiness of our interview subject.

Vegetarian Documentary: Logging and Reviewing footage

I felt a lot more confident going in to look at the rushes of our interview with Richard with the Director. I think we both knew that the shots were a lot stronger and better thought out. It was a relief to see this reflected onscreen when we looked through the footage. I also feel that the sound recorded in the interview is a lot stronger and smoother than the sound recorded in the previous interview which I am glad about because as it is a documentary, sound is very important for the audience to hear the information. I used a boom mic to record sound for this interview rather than a lapel mic, as I found when I used a lapel mic on the first interview, it picked up a lot of rustling sounds whenever Lindsey touched her hair or shuffled in the seat, which was quite distracting. I also found it easier to maintain levels on this shoot as Richard had quite a clear, level voice whereas Lindsey’s voice grew in noticeable volume whenever she answered more of the question.


I think the main problem with our edit will be deciding which parts of the interview to include, and what parts to leave out, as I feel all of it is interesting and could teach people a lot about the vegetarian lifestyle and the stigma attached to it.

Ducky Steps: Logging and Reviewing Footage

After a shoot, I never feel a 100% relaxed until I see the footage either as rushes or in the editing programme. I had the footage on my laptop over the Easter break, however it was very low quality due to the programming on my computer and although I was happy with the majority of the shots, I couldn’t be certain due to them not playing in the right quality.

Sitting down with my Director as she logged the footage, we discovered that the final beach scene we had shot late at night was far too dark. The footage was grainy, and the small light we had used to try and illuminate the characters face was at times very obvious.

 As a result we have decided to reshoot the beach scenes. We have a better idea of what shots we want to do for it, so it wasn’t an entire waste. We were both happy with the rest of the beach scenes.

We are both also really happy with the scenes shot on Tuesday 6th May. Unfortunately I wasn’t present at that shoot as I couldn’t get out of my shift at work, and the shoot was only confirmed a couple of days beforehand. I was quite annoyed not be there, but I made sure I was on hand on the days leading up to the shoot to plan it and make sure the Director knew and was comfortable with what she was shooting on that day. I was told the shoot went well, but again, I wasn’t relaxed about it until I saw the footage.

Both the Director and I were really pleased with the Tuesday shoot scenes. I think the camera shots are interesting and the lighting reflects the film noir style of the film.

We do still have one small scene left to shoot in the studio. I found someone to play the character for Vera, and the Director and I met with her, and were really happy with her for the role. Unfortunately on the night before the shoot, the Vera texted me to tell me she had been called in to work when we had planned to film.

We decided to alter the script slightly so the character of Vera is no longer needed, as that character is causing too many problems and we need to get the remainder of the film shot.



Friday 9 May 2014

Ducky Steps Shot Lists

Here is a copy of the shot lists we have developed for the film. There are three separate shot lists for the three different days shoot. The shot lists help to give us a better idea of how long each shoot will take.



Shot No.
Shot Type
Wide shot establishing scene. Pans slowly across room
Barney at desk
Low angle MCU
Barney writing
Tightly framed
CU of hands
Barney writing
Dutch tilt from writing to his face
Barney concentrating on writing
Mid shot
Barney is startled as he is interrupted
Mid shot- dolly in an arc around desk
Barney looks around
Mid shot
Make sure framing matches café scene- take photos to make sure.
Wide shot- tilt up as he paces
Barney is pacing the room
He looks through blind?
Mid Shot/ Wide shot from different angles (5)
He paces
Stationary shots
CU of face
Wide shot
Barney lies sprawled at his desk
CU of Barney’s face
Voiceover and Barney sighs. Off-screen Vera “Your little friend’s right you know.”
Wide Shot (POV)
Looking at the room
Mid shot
Vera talks: “He didn’t think you were weak… out of you.”
Wide shot
Barney gets up
Moves from background to foreground
Vera: “but you must be.”
Mid shot
Vera stands up
Mid shot
Barney steps forwards and points at Vera
Mid shot- pans and follows Vera. Camera stops when both B and V are in frame - TPS
Vera walks towards Barney. Vera: “You can’t undo… try to fix it”
Two Person Shot
Vera walks out screen left. Barney takes another step into screen left.
Mid shot
Vera stops on screen left. She turns her head “You can start by getting that duck…”
Close up
Barney looks thoughtful (Screen right)


Monday 5 May 2014

Ducky Steps: Shooting Schedule Tuesday 6th May


MONDAY 5th MAY: Collect equipment from Victoria: Canon XF 100, boom mic, sound mixer etc.

Collect tripod and headphones from Steven



Location: Millfield Studio
Anya Call time: 9am
Crew Call Time: 9:30am
Cast Call Time: 10:30am
Crew: Matt

CHRIS: Suit (the same as beach time)
PAULINA: Black dress, heels, red lips

Table and Chair (get from radio studio)
Notebook (same as beach shoot) - ANYA
Office stuff- Paperwork, Stationary- ANYA and take from radio room
Vera mermaid prop- ANYA
Sofa: TV Studio



9am- Find Joe and make sure studio and gallery are open etc.

9:30- 10:30- Set up studio: Move furniture in, set up props, set up lighting.
10:30- Meet Paulina at reception. Meet Chris.

10:45 (11 at the latest) Start shoot- Paulina’s scene first- 3. Then do 1 and 2.


Location: Holohans, The Barge

Cast: Chris, Beth, Michael, Luke

Crew: Matt

Costumes: All: “Work” clothes.

Props: Writing Book (Words from scene 1 to be written in it already) - ANYA

3pm: Be at the Barge, film cutaways of the exterior, set up inside etc

3:30pm- Crew arrive (if not already with Anya at 3pm)

3:45- 4pm: Cast arrive

4:15pm- Begin shooting

Saturday 3 May 2014

Vegetarian Documentary: Richard Interview

We filmed our interview with Richard today, at Victoria's house.
We used the following equipment: Canon XF 100, Boom mic, Sound Mixer

I felt that this interview was a lot more successful than our first interview. We had planned out various different shots we wanted to use in a meeting previously and we decided to change the camera shots every two to three questions so that we knew we had plenty of variety when it came to editing the footage.

We took on board what our tutor had said to us about making use of the background. We put products suitable for vegetarians behind Richard so that any background space was filled with products directly relating to the subject of the film. We made sure to include a lot of colour and variety to make it more interesting. Having the products in the background proved quite useful as it meant at certain stages during the interview Richard was able to pick up an item and talk about or to illustrate his point through use of a product.

Richard gave very interesting answers, and he was very concise and knowledgeable. I definitely learnt a few things about vegetarianism from this interview, which can only be a good sign!

Here are some photos from our shoot: